“The Rockbiter” from “The NeverEnding Story”: A Base Tour
Here, I present a video tour of a rather untraditional base that I recently saw posted by its fantasy-loving creator, u/Antisocial_Gek, on the main No Man’s Sky subreddit with the title, “They look like big, good, strong hands, don’t they?”
A small percentage of readers will immediately remember those last, sad lines of lamentation spoken by the Rockbiter from the film The NeverEnding Story (1984). Based on the 1979 German novel by Michael Ende, The NeverEnding Story is set in Fantasia, a world of imagination filled with strange creatures big and small, and one of the first we meet is the gigantic Rockbiter who travels on a stone tricycle and is a true rock aficionado with a discerning palette.
A delicious looking limestone rock. Nice bouquet, must be a real vintage year.
. . .
Mmmm. That was limestone, with a dash of quartz. Very tasty. Where I come from in the North, we used to have exquisite gourmet rocks, only now…now they’re all gone.
The NeverEnding Story, which I saw in the theater as a kid and have watched hundreds of times since, is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I was immediately impressed by what a superb job u/Antisocial_Gek has done in recreating him in the No Man’s Sky universe — complete with glowing eyes, blinking and alive! Upon seeing the builder’s post, I had to visit this Euclid base myself, and have put together a small “walk through” video of my own.
Hats off, u/Antisocial_Gek, on a job well done and for providing me and a few others out there a very nice walk down nostalgia lane.